Tuesday, June 5, 2007


What is the BEA you might be asking? The BEA is the Book Expo of America... It was tremendous!!! It was in NYC with tens of thousands of people attending. The spectacle was stimulating, intimidating and intoxication all rolled into one, plus it was a good learning experience for me. I made some good contacts. I learned that even when I get a publisher for a book..it is going to be also up to create a big buzz about it. Marketing....Publicity....showing alot of pazazz.... Like the example of Grammar Girl..She is a grammar whiz who wanted to write a book about its or it's. To create buzz she developed a weekly podcast called grammar girl. She has five million subscribers. Wow!!! I want to do that...I thought of getting Ask Eve?? on youtube and on a postcast. Sounds like it would be fun to do. Anyway my wheels are turning. It is good to be back in Chicago.

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